Analysis and Comparison of Gaming in Virtual and Real world Analysis and Comparison of Gaming in Virtual and Real world

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Dr. Shaveta Bhatia


Today Location based Services are one of the largest application areas where end user is willing to pay for services. Also, Location based market is expected to grow dramatically as most Mobile phones sold now are capable of running Location based games which are major source of Interest for User. User shows an excitement to play, whether he is playing in a real world or he is playing in a Virtual world just like a real one. Location based games are the types of games that explore the unique features of GPS enabled mobile devices. Location based Games reached their peak level with the combining technologies such as Global positioning devices, Bluetooth and Wireless Networks. Location based mobile games are categorized as Learning Games, Adventures Games, Strategy Games, Searching games ,Sports games and Educational Games. A Game world is notionally superimposed into city surface where the Games narratives are influenced by the player’s movements in the city. Maps represent the real opponents and Virtual objects from the game Imaginary world. Today most of the games are emphasizing on covering various public spaces and extend the game play in physical environment. This paper analyses the technologies used Mobile Gaming and a platform that provides access to spatial features such as building outlines, streets and real time positions of Players on the map. Further, the paper shows the implementation of few Location based Games that compares the Location in real world and actual world.

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