Integrity and Privacy through Authentication Key Exchange Protocols for Distributed Systems Integrity and Privacy through Authentication Key Exchange Protocols for Distributed Systems

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B. Usharani


Networking is the practice of connecting several computing devices together in order to share resources. In real world, attacks via force and fraud are privacy (unauthorized release of information), Integrity (tampering with data), Service (denial of service).The goals are disallow unauthorized access, allow authorized access, resist DOS attacks .In recent years, many efficient AKE protocols have been proposed to achieve user privacy and integrity in the communications. A communication model is a representation where there are a large number of clients accessing multiple remote and distributed storage devices in parallel. Authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocol allows a user and a server to authenticate each other and generate a session key for the later communications. This paper concentrates on how to swap key materials and begin parallel secure sessions between the clients and the storage devices in the Network in a well-organized and scalable manner.

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