A New Energy Efficient Approach in MANETs: A Review A New Energy Efficient Approach in MANETs: A Review

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Amit Pratap


MANET is combination of mobile nodes which uses multi hop transmission for communication. Due to highly dynamic topology, routing in MANET is challenging task, moreover presence of malicious nodes make the overall network very insecure. We study both the availability and the duration probability of arouting path that is subject to link failures caused by node mobility. In this paper we describe the most prominent aspect related to the MANET and proposed routing protocol for an energy efficient clustering based algorithm that considers the node mobility and its battery power for calculating its node weight. In this algorithm, we will find that node which has highest weight and make it as cluster head node for base station and best efficient path.
Keywords—MANET, Clustering, Mobility, Efficiency, Stability, Routing Protocols, Cluster Head.

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