An Extensive Review of Piezoelectric Smart Structure and Controller for Active Vibration Control An Extensive Review of Piezoelectric Smart Structure and Controller for Active Vibration Control

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J. R. Chaudhari


Nowadays, vibration is one of the major issues in the environment, which may cause some serious injuries to the human health. Vibration may occur due to mechanical oscillation from industrial machines, railway track nearby human reside, and many more reasons. It needs to be eradicated with proper controlling techniques. Active vibration control is a technique in which the vibration of a structure is controlled by applying counter force to the structure that is appropriately out of phase but equal in amplitude to the original force. As a result two opposite forces cancel each other and structure stops vibrating. Piezoelectric and Piezoelectric Ceramic materials have ability to transform mechanical energy to electrical energy and vice-versa can be used as sensors and actuators. The piezoelectric sensor senses the external disturbances and generates voltage due to direct piezoelectric effect while piezoelectric actuator produces force due to converse piezoelectric effect which can be used as controlling to force. After a brief overview of history of smart structures, piezoelectric transducers and control system, this section applies the brief review of design, modelling, experimentation, Finite Element Method, design and implementation of controllers and some optimal methods to a few applications. It is based on the overall review of all the references.

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