Automated Ration Distribution System Automated Ration Distribution System

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Vikrant Jadhav


Nowadays, corruption is found at every levels in hierarchy of society, from politics to even a normal
government offices, its shows how any random individual, government employee or related person is
corrupted or involved directly or indirectly .The root cause behind this corruption is manual work that is
paper work, recording of data, information, records in form of hardcopy, which in turn gives rise to
irregularities with audits of data, records misplacement of data etc. This is the normal scenario in today’s
life. Thus, such an scenario is commonly seen on an Public Distribution Booth or shop, where in ration
card holder are audited manually by a distributor therefore, no Transparency is seen, which leads to
irregularities, stocking of grocery material, forgery etc. Thus, in order to prevent this issue an automated
system has become a necessity. In this paper, an automated system for the ration distribution is proposed
which is implemented to avoid smuggling, stocking of grocery material The proposed work describes an
integrated automated RFID and GSM based paperless system that converts physical form of manual
filling of data into ration book, by providing controlled access to the users, through means of radio
frequency identification (RFID). User’s rather human entities are based on their role, tasks and their
position. Therefore, the resultant automated system provides improvement in terms of controlled access
at particular ration shop, making distribution process free from false record auditing and performing stock
distribution in fastest way that enhances the overall performance and efficiency in the workflow.

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