Comparison of Various Methods of Human Body Composition Comparison of Various Methods of Human Body Composition
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Body composition is not only used to give information about state of health but also it gives information about various dieses and methods to prevent health dieses. Body impedance analysis is used for body composition measurement purpose, which is low cost, non-invasive and easy to handle etc. With the help of body composition analysis we can measure the fat mass, total body water, fat free mass, extracellular water and intracellular water present in human body. Body composition analysis is done using single frequency measurement, dual frequency measurement and multifrequency measurement. For single frequency 50kHz, 1 and 100 KHz for dual frequency measurements and 5 to 500 KHz for multi-frequency measurements. There are various methods, which are available to perform body composition like PDA based fat measurement module, AD5933, air-displacement plethysmography and AFE4300 etc. AD5933 is new chip used for impedance measurement. AD5933 allows four electrodes during impedance measurement. It requires low Sensitivity to interface impedance. There are various laboratory based body composition methods are available which include dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, hydrostatic weighing, measurement of total body water by isotope dilution, measurement of total body potassium and multicompartment models. All these methods are regularly used and all of them have some inherent practical limitation. Whole body air displacement plethysmoghraphy method is used for body composition. BOD POD is an air displacement plethysmoghraphy which is used to determine body composition (fat vs. lean).It measures body mass using very precious scale and volume by sitting inside the BOD PO. In this paper we see all these methods also haw the measurement of body composition is performed.