Wireless Sensor Networks: An Overview on Security Issues and Challenges Wireless Sensor Networks: An Overview on Security Issues and Challenges

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Arundhati Nelli


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are formed by deploying as large number of sensor nodes in an area for the surveillance of generally remote locations. A typical sensor node is made up of different components to perform the task of sensing, processing and transmitting data. WSNs are used for many applications in diverse forms from indoor deployment to outdoor deployment. The basic requirement of every application is to use the secured network. Providing security to the sensor network is a very challenging issue along with saving its energy. Many security threats may affect the functioning of these networks. WSNs must be secured to keep an attacker from hindering the delivery of sensor information and from forging sensor information as these networks are build for remote surveillance and unauthorized changes in the sensed data may lead to wrong information to the decision makers. This paper gives brief description about various security issues and security threats in WSNs.

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