Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Blockchain Mechanism for Flexible Job Shop Problem and Revolutionize Online Gambling

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Amit Mishra


Blockchain has broad development potential and application prospects. Since its start, cryptocurrencies have sparked curiosity and scepticism in equal measure. It served as a substitute form of money that anyone could use and that did not need any regulatory backing. Because of this, users could buy things anonymously, which encouraged actions that most people would consider unethical and ultimately damaged the reputation of cryptocurrencies. However, certain societal tendencies have aided in the continued expansion of cryptocurrencies. Two such trends include the decline in public confidence in the existing banking system and the favorable perception of blockchain technology, a peer-to-peer network that underlies cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Furthermore, the cost of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin has increased exponentially in recent years. Betting has always been an inherently human activity that does not seem likely to stop anytime soon despite the possible disappointments and dangers it poses. This paper presents block chain betting application system as a possible solution to the conventional method of betting. The system was developed using Node.js & NPM, Web3 API, and online remix ide available at The artificial intelligence-based blockchain works by collecting data from different sources such as smart devices, sensors, and internet of things devices. The data collected from smart devices, sensors, and internet of things devices are processed as an integral part of the blockchain application. The machine leaning can then be applied to the collected data from these devises for real-time analysis, prediction, and storage of the dataset on the blockchain network.

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