Performance Analysis of MAC Layer Protocols for WSN with Considering the Effects of Hidden Node Problem

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Salah Abdulghani Alabady


In this paper, the effects of the hidden node problem in Wireless sensor networks are studied on three different MAC protocols using various field distances and various numbers of nodes. This study provides the best number of nodes to be disseminated in a specific field distance depending on the needed performance metrics. Six performance metrics are used in this study, which are Goodput, Throughput, Packet delivery ratio (PDR), Residual Energy, Average Delay, and the first and last node dead in the network. IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.4, and time division multiple access (TDMA) protocols are used. Results show that TDMA gives the best energy conservation and high delay time with high PDR, while IEEE 802.11 provides the best throughput and goodput results and low delay time.

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