Design and Implementation of Smart Air Pollution Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things

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Rabee Mwafaq In Hagem


An internet of things (IoT)-based environmental air pollution monitoring (APM) system for monitoring concentrations of major air pollutant gases in Mosul, Iraq, has been built. The system employs low-cost air quality gas monitoring sensors with Particle Photon. This device detects gas concentrations such as carbon monoxide CO, carbon dioxide CO2, methane CH4, dust, smoke, temperature, and humidity. The sensors will gather data and send it to particle photons, which compare it with threshold for each sensor then sends it to the IoT platform known as UBIDOTS. UBIDOTS sends data to cloud where they can be realized and virtualized before displaying. The suggested system’s major goal is to provide a low-cost, real-time monitoring system based on IoT that can be shown and displayed whenever and wherever needed, and it has been tested in numerous sites throughout Mosul city.

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