Explore the Influencing Variables of Personality Traits on Motives of Adapting Online Education in India

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Jitendra Charan


With the growth of technology, India has seen an increasing trend of online education over a period of few years. A number of students and working professionals have joined different online education stages in the previous few years so as to enhance their abilities. Furthermore, taking a gander at trends, the number of people embracing online education stages is expected to increase, essentially in the near future. The current article explores the motives of adopting online education and personality traits of consumers using online education in India. This article also analyzes the influencing variables of personality traits on motives adapting online education in India. The study focuses to analyze the effectiveness of proposed model for adopting online education in India. Proposed model will analyze the symmetry of personality traits of consumer using online education in India. Secondly explore the motives and thirdly analyze the impact of personality traits on motives of adopting online education in India. In the current research work, a sample of 200 respondents was selected. Respondents were selected randomly. Respondents were asked about impact of psychological factors in online education. Among these 200 respondents, there were 100 males and 100 females. The current article highlights the influencing variables of personality traits on motives of adapting online education in India.

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