Low Power and Lossy Networks Routing Protocols for IoT Environment: A Survey Low Power and Lossy Networks Routing Protocols for IoT Environment: A Survey

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Salah Abdulghani Alabady


The low power and lossy networks (LLNs) routing strategy in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) define the network’s lifetime and efficiency. The nodes in characteristics of LLNs (such as low cost, computation, limited storage, and low power) may pose an open challenge to finding an optimum routing protocol in WSNs. To satisfy the unique requirements of the LLNs, the internet protocol version 6 routing protocol for LLNs (RPL) was standardized by the internet engineering task force since 2009 to address the routing problem in such networks. However, numerous studies pointed out since its introduction that in its current form, RPL suffers from problems that restrict its efficiency and its sphere of applicability. In the literature, several solutions have thus been proposed in an effort to address these established limitations. In this survey, we aim primarily to provide a thorough analysis of these research proposals, evaluating whether those proposals have managed to address the identified norm limitations associated with its core operations. While some of the vulnerabilities in the RPL have been successfully resolved, the study found that the strategies suggested are still inadequate in addressing a number of problems. The survey investigates the problems and what are the drawbacks, challenges, and pitfalls to be avoided will thus enable researchers to establish a consistent framework for the most promising strategies to be established in the future, allowing for better implementation of the protocol.

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