A Survey on Privacy Preserving by Protecting the Images in Social Media using Quantum Cryptography and Steganography A Survey on Privacy Preserving by Protecting the Images in Social Media using Quantum Cryptography and Steganography

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B. Usharani


Social media are becoming the best carrier of information exchange in our lives. In this computer era, it’s become crazy to share one’s photos and experiences on social media. The images that are uploading on social media are saving by someone and abuse those photos by creating fake ids or in some other way. Once photos are shared on social media, the possibilities of abuses are endless, no one cannot stop someone to take images from social media and abuses it. Privacy is the fundamental human right; however, there is a need to minimize the disclosure of personal data, especially images on the social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and WhatsApp. This paper mainly focuses on analyzing how to protect the images that are sharing on social media and providing the privacy by reducing the abuses of the images that are uploading on social media.

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