On Prognosis of Manufacturing of a Broadband Power Amplifiers based on Heterotransistors to Increase Density of their Elements with Account Miss-match Induced Stress and Porosity of Materials On Prognosis of Manufacturing of a Broadband Power Amplifiers based on Heterotransistors to Increase Density of their Elements with Account Miss-match Induced Stress and Porosity of Materials

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E. L. Pankratov


In this paper, we introduce an approach to increase the density of field-effect transistors framework a broadband power amplifier. Framework the approach, we consider manufacturing the inverter in heterostructure with specific configuration. Several required areas of the heterostructure should be doped by diffusion or ion implantation. After that, dopant and radiation defects should be annealed framework optimized scheme. We also consider an approach to decrease the value of mismatch-induced stress in the considered heterostructure. We introduce an analytical approach to analyze mass and heat transport in heterostructures during manufacturing of integrated circuits with account mismatch-induced stress.

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