Handling Uncertainty using Probability Theory, Fuzzy Logic, and Belief Based Systems - A Comparison

Handling Uncertainty using Probability Theory, Fuzzy Logic, and Belief Based Systems - A Comparison


  • S. R. Rashmi




There are various ways in which we can handle situations of uncertainty, here, we will see all those ways in which uncertainty can be handled and how the evolution of these processes occurred because of the advantages and disadvantages they offered, we will also see the different types of uncertainties and what actually differentiates these.




How to Cite

Rashmi, S. R. (2019). Handling Uncertainty using Probability Theory, Fuzzy Logic, and Belief Based Systems - A Comparison: Handling Uncertainty using Probability Theory, Fuzzy Logic, and Belief Based Systems - A Comparison. Asian Journal of Computer Science Engineering(AJCSE), 3(03). https://doi.org/10.22377/ajcse.v3i03.112

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