Use Artificial Intelligence to Reach Business Intelligence Use Artificial Intelligence to Reach Business Intelligence

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Subhash Desai


Concept of business intelligence emerged after having enterprise resource planning in place in manufacturing, service, and education sectors. Business with intelligence is to make profit either by large volume with thin margin or low volume with high margin providing quality products and services. Look at Reliance Industries Limited, many MNCs and national products offered by Patanjali. All are close to human touch and doing business differently using available virtual reality called artificial intelligent (AI). Even in education sector, people started offering integrated courses to keep students for many years’ examples are MBA, MCA, and many more professional courses. AI is now catalyst for business processes. Attractive selling schemes and layout plan for assembly line floor have increased profitability and time savings. Annual service contract is another example. Discount for frequent air travelers is again contributed more passengers to travel resulting saving time to do more business. Let us try to understand how to make the use of AI in Indian business environment.

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