A literature Survey: Health-care Monitoring System A literature Survey: Health-care Monitoring System

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P. Pradeep


The current scenario of designing wearable biosensor systems and their advance biosensors for an effective health-care monitoring system has a lot of attention in the scientific community, which makes worth for the industry aspects during the recent years. In addition, this advanced health-care system focuses on high quality and very much low cost, also which is to be reliable and secured. Health care is been a big issue due to lack of availability of expert doctor’s and the current trend to focus on the existing issues. In this paper, it briefs the information about the telemetric and Holter electrocardiograph (ECG) Warehouse (THEW) technology benefits, which has the scientific community which scopes about to advance in the field of ECG and cardiac safety. In addition, here, it focuses on Virtus Middleware used in the health-care solutions. The main advantages are as low power consumption by the sensors and an early warning system which is very helpful in general wards in the hospitals for alerting the patients from serious health defective conditions. Here, this literature review gives an idea regarding the immediate feedback which is been provided to the patient and the caretaker, through a concept of wireless sensor patient monitoring system. This gives more advantage of storing the sensors’ patient data in cloud and analysis of data from the cloud, which also alerts to the patients and caretaker through Short Message Service.

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