Fog and Internet of Things Network Security through Blowfish Cipher Fog and Internet of Things Network Security through Blowfish Cipher

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B Usharani


The data are stored and accessed in a cloud from the remote server with the help of services provided by cloud service providers. Security is a major issue as the data are transmitted to the remote server through the internet. Encryption is a better solution to secure the information when storing data at remote servers. Fog computing is evolved to overcome the security issues in cloud. Still, there are some data security issues in fog computing. An encryption algorithm plays a key role in the cloud security. Network-based intrusion prevention system is used to detect threats in real time. To provide a secure data access in cloud, advanced encryption techniques can be used for storing and retrieving data from cloud. Furthermore, proper key management techniques can be used to distribute the key to the cloud users such that only authorized persons can access the data. The Blowfish encryption can never be hacked. In this paper, Blowfish cipher technique is implemented for the security to fog of internet of things network.

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